🛣️ How to create a Journey
Guest Journey
Campaigns let you interact with the guest at different points throughout the Guest Journey.
How to Get Started
1. To create a Journey Campaign, select Campaigns>Journey in the menu on the left side of the screen or type in your browser platform.bookboost.io/#/campaigns

2. Press the +Campaign button on the top-right corner of the page.

3. When selecting the settings for the New Journey Campaign, leave selected “Automated Campaigns” as the default setup option. If you choose “One Time Campaigns,” you will instead create a Broadcast Campaign.

4. Choose between “New Campaign” to create a brand-new campaign or “Duplicate Existing” to copy an existing template you can modify or use as a base.

5. Choose the “Channels” you would like to use to send your Journey Campaign.
You can select Omnichannel Campaign to use all available channels, Messaging Campaign to send exclusively through SMS and WhatsApp, or Email Campaign to send solely through email.

6. Lastly, name your campaign, assign the property you would like to target and assign a category for it.
After these steps are done, you need to set the Trigger, which will determine when a guest will receive the message in their journey.
There is a selection of pre-made triggers to choose from. Alternatively, you can make your own by using the advanced options.
You will find an in-depth walkthrough of the Trigger further down this page.
The next step is to compose the Content.
You can make custom templates based on channel and language. There is an option to change the Channel preferences.
You will find an in-depth walkthrough of the Content here: Content
The next step is to choose the Audience(s) to whom the message will be sent.
If you would like all guests to receive the campaign, simply leave the audience empty.
You will find an in-depth walkthrough of the Audience here.
The last step is to name your campaign and publish it. Here you can review your work and see previews for each channel and language.
You may choose to publish your campaign as Inactive if you do not want to start scheduling messages immediately.
The trigger decides at which point the message will be sent in the guest's journey.
There is a selection of premade triggers, which we have composed for you to choose from.
If you wish to customise your trigger, press the Show Advanced Options button.
Now you can specify the number of (Days, Hours, or Minutes) (Before or After) any of the guest journey events provided by your PMS.
Additionally, you might wish to specify a specific time of day to send the message.
Note that this only works when your time measurement is Days.
In this example, the message will be sent in the evening on the day of check-in.
Campaign Overview - Walkthrough
Formatting date and time in the tokens
You can update the formatting of the date and time merge tags by adding formatting information at the end of the tag.
Formatting the date: To format just the date, we can use the format_date function, as shown below.
{{reservation.start | format_date('full')}} will output the date as Day of the Week, Month Date, Year in writing, like this: Monday, November 15, 2021
{{reservation.start | format_date('long')}} will output the date as Month Date, Year in writing, like this: November 15, 2021
{{reservation.start | format_date('medium')}} will output the date as Month (abbreviated) Date, Year in writing, like this: Nov 15, 2021
{{reservation.start | format_date('short')}} will output the date as Month/Date/Year in numbers, like this: 11/15/21
Formatting the time
Similarly, we use the format_datetime function to format both the date and the time together. format_datetime looks for the date format first, then the time format, so you can replace 'none' in any of the examples below with one of the date formats above to include both the date and time.
- {{reservation.start | format_datetime('none', 'full')}} will output the time as HH:MM:SS followed by AM or PM and the full timezone spelt out, like this: 10:30:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time
- {{reservation.start | format_datetime('none', 'long')}} will output the time as HH:MM:SS followed by AM or PM and the timezone abbreviated, like this: 10:30:00 AM UTC
- {{reservation.start | format_datetime('none', 'medium')}} will output the time as HH:MM:SS followed by AM or PM, like this: 10:30:00 AM
- {{reservation.start | format_datetime('none', 'short')}} will output the time as HH:MM followed by AM or PM, like this: 10:30 AM
Localizing the format
You can also update the formatting to match the local formatting for your hotel or guests by adding a locale function to the end of the tag. Simply add locale = 'xx' to the end of the tag with a two-character country code where the xx is.
For example, {{reservation.start | format_datetime('short', 'short', locale = 'de')}} will output the date and time in German formattings, like 15.11.21, 10:30.
To be updated with the below (double-check with Rasmus)
{{reservation.start|date('d M Y')}}
{{reservation.end|date('d M Y')}}
{{reservation.start|date('d M Y', property.timezone)}}
{{reservation.end|date('d M Y', property.timezone)}}
Editing email display on mobile and desktop
When you create an email, it will automatically try to scale to the size of the screen you are viewing it on. Sometimes this can cause certain parts of the email to look good on a desktop but not so good on mobile, or vice versa. The video below will show you how to edit the display for a specific screen size.