🧐 Why hasn’t the Guest received the Campaign?
If you've ever wondered, "Why hasn't a Guest received the XYZ Campaign?" This article provides you with quick answers.
If you've ever wondered, "Why hasn't a Guest received the XYZ Campaign?" This article provides you with quick answers.
Before anything else, determine if the Guest is → 1. Missing the Campaign or → 2. Failed to be Sent.
1. If the Campaign was not Sent
it is probably because of one of the reasons below:
1.1 The Guest doesn’t have contact details such as email and phone number in their profile.
1.2 Wrong Guest Type.
1.3 Guest is not part of the Audience.
1.4 Duplicated Guest Profile.
1.5 Missing the Required Consent.
2. If the Campaign Failed in all Channels:
it is probably because of one of the reasons below:
2.1 Invalid email
2.2 Phone number (invalid, unavailable, landline, roaming, no WhatsApp App)
3. If there are duplicated Guest Profiles
If there are duplicate guest profiles, another profile has probably received the campaign instead. Although we have a powerful Match&Merge feature in place, this might happen if you have OTA reservations and the profile has been updated from your PMS with the “real” email address. In these cases, check for profiles using the OTA guest email.
💡 Learn more Below!
1. If the Campaign was not Sent
💡 Click on each of the Options below to see more!
1.1 Do we have the Guest's Contact Details in their profile?
Learn more by clicking here.
How do you check if the Guest has an email and phone number?

→ Navigate to the Profiles section on the left side Menu and click on Customers.
→ Search for the Guest and click on the eye icon 👁️🗨️

1.2 Check if the Campaign is targeting a different Guest Type
Learn more by clicking here.

If your Campaign is only targeting, for example, the Booker, then the Primary Guest will not receive the Campaign.

You can change that setting by editing the Campaign on the top right corner of the Campaign → Edit → Review & Publish → Receiver → All or Primary or other.
1.3 Guest is not part of the Audience
Learn more by clicking here.
How do you check if the guest is part of the Audience?

→ Navigate to Campaigns (either Journey or Broadcast) → Search for the Campaign → Click on the Audience that is next to when the Campaign is triggered → Add the Guest's name or one of their contact details → If not found, it means the Guest is not part of the Audience.
In those cases, we recommend you check the filters applied to that Audience.
(Click here to learn more about Audiences.)
1.4 There is a Duplicated Guest Profile
Learn more by clicking here.
How do you check if there are duplicate profiles?
→ Navigate to the Profiles section on the left Menu.
→ Click on Customers.
→ Search by their name AND contact details such as email or phone number
We have noticed that many times profiles with typos on the name or with OTA emails are not found.
Make sure to search with all the available details you have from the Guest.

1.5 The Guest is missing the Required Consent
Learn more by clicking here.

How to check if the Guest has the necessary Consent Required?
→ Navigate to the Profiles section on the left Menu.
→ Click on Customers.
→ Search by Guest.
→ In General Info, scroll all the way down to Consents.
→ If empty, it means no Consent has been given by this Guest OR was previously removed (the guest has unsubscribed).

2. If the Campaign Failed in all Channels:
💡 Click on each of the Options below to learn more!
2.1 Invalid Email
Learn more by clicking here.
Campaigns will fail if:
→ The email is invalid (= doesn’t exist)- Hardbounce
→ The email inbox is full - Soft Bounce
→ The guest email server is temporarily unavailable - Soft Bounce
→ The email service providers blacklisted the guest's email.
2.2 Phone number
Learn more by clicking here.
Campaigns will fail to be delivered on SMS and/or WhatsApp:
→ Phone number is not set as primary - it will be invalid if the number doesn’t exist, missing the ‘+’ before the country code or the country code (e.g. +31…).

→ The phone number provided is a landline - Landlines do not have the capability of receiving SMS.
→ If the guest has the phone in Flight mode for over 3 hours - it will fail in both SMS + WhatsApp.
→ If the guest does not have Roaming ON, the SMS will fail.
→ If the guest does not have the WhatsApp app installed.
3. If there are duplicated Guest Profiles
If, after conducting these checks, you still can't find why the guest did not receive the campaign, please contact us by following the instructions below.