🔀 Channel Preferences
The channel preferences determine which channels a Campaign will target and in what priority.
The channel preferences determine which channels a Campaign will target and in what priority.

The channel priority comes into play when a guest is reachable by more than one means.
In the example above, Bookboost will first attempt to reach guests on WhatsApp. Failing to do so, it will try by Email and, lastly, SMS.
The Prioritise guests channel preference option will make it so, in the case that a guest has explicitly stated a preferred channel, that channel will always be prioritised first.
You can change the order of priority by dragging a channel up or down in the list.

You may choose to omit a channel from the Campaign by toggling the Active option.

If your Bookboost account has several connections for a particular channel, you may also specify from which connection to send the message.