🔏 Clock Tokens

Clocks Property Management System

Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
Self Service Key
Self-Service Key In Clock PMS
Self Service Pin
Self-Service Pin In Clock PMS
Booking Reference
The booking reference of the reservation
Channel Category
The channel category of the reservation
Channel Segment
The channel segment of the reservation
Market Segment
The market category of the reservation
Number of Adults
The number of adults on the reservation
Number of Children
The number of children on the reservation
Number of Nights
The nights of the reservation
Open Balance
The balance of the reservation Example: the amount that is due to pay by the guest
The currency of the reservation
Total Gross Amount
The total gross amount of the reservation
Total Gross Amount Per Night
The total gross amount per night of the reservation
Estimated Start
The Estimated Start Date of the reservation with Date & Time
Estimated End (date & time)
The end Date & Time of the reservation
The status of the reservation Examples: Confirmed - Confirmed by both parties before check-in Started - Checked in Processed - Checked out Cancelled - Cancelled
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
Client Requests
Client Requests Notes In Clock PMS
Online CheckIn
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
Online CheckIn URL
Online CheckIn URL for Clock PM
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
Folios URL
Folios URL for Clock PMS
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
Full Name
The Full Name of the user
The Salutation of the user
First Name
The First Name of the user
Last Name
The Last Name of the user
The Email of the user
The Phone number of the user
Rate Plan
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
The Name of the Rate Plan
The Code of the Rate Plan
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
The Number of the Room Space
Room Type
Token Name
Token Description
Token Text
The Name of the Room Space Type
The Code of the Room Space Type
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