🚫 WhatsApp Country Restriction

WhatsApp Country Restriction: Turkey

WhatsApp announces a Country restriction starting October 31st 2023.


The Meta Cloud API that we leverage for messaging on Whatsapp will have a new country restriction starting this year in 2023.

This will affect only customers in the following countries: Turkey

What does this mean?

It will no longer be possible to message guests with Turkish phone numbers.


→ In case you have a Turkish phone number and message a guest with a non-Turkish number, there is no issue.

→ If you have a group of Turkish guests contacting your business over WhatsApp, we would suggest that you transition the conversation to another channel, such as SMS or Email.


‼️ Please note this is a WhatsApp limitation, not on the Bookboost side.

Please contact us through the ‘Talk to Us’ on the left Menu in the platform or through the Bookboost Support email at support@bookboost.io if you have questions or need additional support.
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