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✅ Use of Actions in the Inbox

Learn how Operators can efficiently assign, leave, and close conversations, ensuring smooth and effective communication and task management.

Managing Actions

Operators can Assign, Leave, Close, Snooze, Reopen, Archive and set conversations as Spam to streamline the support workflow. They can assign messages to each other or to different views, leave messages, and mark conversations as closed.


Here's how these actions work:


1. Assigning: Direct a message to a specific operator or view from message details or the conversation itself. Each message can be assigned to one operator and one view simultaneously.

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2. Leaving: Send a conversation to the top of its respective folder, marked as ‘Unread’, but maintaining its previous status. It ensures that no message goes unanswered. A label displaying the information of the action is shown inside the conversation. This label is only visible to Operators and not guests.

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3. Solved: Once a conversation is resolved or no longer requires attention, Operators have the option to mark it as ‘Solved’. This action helps keep the inbox organised and provides a visual indication that the issue has been addressed.

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4. Snooze: Operators can temporarily set aside conversations using the snooze feature. This acts as a reminder to follow up later, ensuring nothing gets missed.

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You can select the duration of the snooze, which is set to 30 minutes by default.

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5. Reopen Conversation: Conversations can only be reopened by replying to the guest or if the guest sends another message. ‼️ Archived conversations will not be reopened. If a guest replies to an archived conversation, it will create a new conversation.

6. Archive: The archive serves as a storage space for conversations. You can refer back to these conversations if needed, but they are no longer actively visible in the primary sections. ‼️ Archived conversations will not be reopened. If a guest replies to an archived conversation, it will create a new conversation.

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7. Spam: You can set conversations as Spam, whenever they are unwanted or have unsolicited content.

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Note 1: If an Operator replies to a conversation that was not assigned to anyone else, it is considered as self-assigning the conversation. In this case, the Operator is taking ownership of the conversation and assuming responsibility for handling it. This allows the Operator to take immediate action and ensures that the guest receives a timely response. It also helps distribute the workload evenly among colleagues, as unassigned conversations can be picked up by anyone in the team.
Note 2: Operators have the ability to reply within the assigned conversation itself, regardless of who the message is assigned to. However, since a conversation can only be assigned to one operator at a time, a warning label will be displayed to inform the user that by sending a message, they will be taking over the conversation from the colleague who previously had it. The previously assigned operator will then receive a notification informing them of the takeover. This allows for seamless collaboration and ensures that conversations are not left unattended if the original assignee is unavailable.
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Please contact us through the ‘Talk to Us’ on the left Menu in the platform or through the Bookboost Support email at if you have questions or need additional support.
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