🧪 Test Your Campaigns
Discover how to test your campaigns directly in your email inbox.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to effectively test your email campaigns, whether they're part of your Journey or Broadcast:
1 - Accessing the Template: Start by navigating to the campaign you wish to test within Bookboost. Look for the blue circle icon located at the bottom left corner and click on it to View Template.

2 - Selecting an Example: Within the template view, choose an example to test your campaign. You can search for examples using either the booking reference or guest name. This step is particularly crucial if your campaign incorporates tokens, pages, or forms, as it allows you to ensure that all information is accurately displayed in relation to the booking. Once you've selected an example, all tokens will dynamically populate with the information from the chosen reservation.

3 - Initiating the Test Email: Beneath the template, you'll find a button labeled "Test E-mail." Click on this button and input the email address where you'd like to receive the test campaign.

4 - Confirmation and Receipt: Within a matter of seconds, you'll receive the test campaign directly in your designated email inbox. 😊