🖼️ Campaigns
🧪 Test Your Campaigns
Discover how to test your campaigns directly in your email inbox.
📈 Campaign Report
🧰 Understanding "After the Reservation was Updated" Campaign Triggers
👨👩👦👦 How do you send Journeys or Broadcasts to either the primary guest, Booker, or both?
💡 Email Subject Ideas to drive Opens and Clicks
Your email subject holds the key to capturing attention and driving action. Get some ideas for your your Journey and Broadcast Campaigns
🕶️ Dark Mode
Here are some key considerations and solutions for designing emails compatible with dark mode
🔠 Fonts in the Editor
Learn about email-safe fonts and which ones are recommended for use across your templates.
📧 Email Overview
🛣️ Journeys
🛣️ Journey
🛣️ How to create a Journey
🔠 Fonts in the Editor
Learn about email-safe fonts and which ones are recommended for use across your templates.
🧐 Why hasn’t the Guest received the Campaign?
If you've ever wondered, "Why hasn't a Guest received the XYZ Campaign?" This article provides you with quick answers.
📧 Email Overview
📡 Broadcasts
📡 Broadcasts
✉️ Message Template
✉️ Message Templates
🧱Content Blocks
♻️ Reuse Your Designs with Blocks
💭Messaging Popups
📳 Messaging Popups